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Around the Next Corner

One thing that’s always fueled my desire to travel over the years is the thrill of what’s around the next corner. That to me is a very motivating factor, especially when combined with my love of spectacular light, which is why I often get out of bed long before the sun rises. Sometimes that can be easier due to jet lag, depending on whether one flies east or west.

As someone who photographs the coastline and beaches regularly, I know that the highest tide always falls at night, leaving the fresh canvas of the beach free of footprints at first light. That is of-course unless I want to have those footprints in my picture. They do sometimes factor into my creations.

Also, the sunrise always presents a wide range of light moments that only happen for just fleeting seconds. I’m all about preserving those magic moments that happen so briefly. Quite a few of my best images have come about in this manner;  I just happened to be there when the magic moment of light presented itself. I seek those moments. I place the highest priority on remarkable light.

I have found that there is just so much more photography than ever out there these days and the one thing that keeps my photography fresh and my interest high is to really seek out those moments of exceptional but not often seen light.

Of course, the other benefit of shooting so early in the day is the feeling of achievement. I’m driving home already with the goods while others are still getting out of bed. That and I still have the whole day ahead of me. I love that…

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