
From the blog

Magic Murals

I’ve always tried to give as many folks a way to be the owner of some of my work, but I am well aware that my prints and canvas may be out of the reach of some folks, especially someone who might want something big for their home or workspace.  So, when I saw Magic Murals who custom print wallpaper for rooms, I thought, that’s pretty cool.  

A little bit like those old Miami Vice scenes with entire walls covered in a photograph. It’s a great way to have something really different without it costing as much as a large fine art print or canvas. Perfect for bedrooms or man-caves.

You can view my collection at Magic Murals by clicking here.

Marnie’s Beach House

Bethany Beach, Delaware
Marnies Homes – Star Of The Sea

Marnie Homes in Delaware have been using some of Sean’s images in their home build outs. This one is from a house which they called Star Of The Sea.

You can see more of Marnie homes here:

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